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Most innovative leader: FT Innovative Lawyers Awards Asia-Pacific 2021

英國《金融時報》與調查夥伴RSG Consulting共同主辦之Innovative Lawyers獎(亞太地區)頒獎典禮於2021年5月13日(週四)採線上形式舉辦,本事務所經營會議議長之保坂雅樹律師榮獲「Most innovative leader」殊榮。

“I’m thrilled to receive this award, which comes at the conclusion of my ten years as managing partner. Of course, this award, and our other awards, coverage and recognition by the Financial Times of our shortlisted lawyers and teams, belong to everyone at our firm. They speak to our firm’s pioneering spirit, our commitment to our clients and our innovative solutions to the unprecedented challenges of this past year.”

此外,本事務所在「多元&共融」領域也榮獲獎項,並延續去年,再次獲選「Most innovative Asia-Pacific headquartered law firm(最優獎)」的前10大排名,為唯一總部位於非英語系國家的法律事務所。



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