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數位轉型 / 數位創新

數位轉型 / 數位創新


近來,利用數位技術創造出新型態社會價值以提升企業價值的「數位轉型 (DX) / 數位創新」的動態在日本也加快腳步。數位轉型不僅侷限於各種業務的效率化和最佳化,更會引發商業模式本身的根本性變革。另一方面,新的社會問題也不斷浮現,法律制度亦瞬息萬變,因此必須密切關注最新的議論和動態。 


  • 為實現Society 5.0所建構的新型態商業模式相關的各種法律服務 (智慧城市、智慧數據、MaaS、CASE、自動駕駛、IoT、數位醫療等) 
  • 針對推動數位轉型的 (1) 治理方針 (數位轉型治理); (2) 事業組合管理策略、商業聯盟與全球策略、數位平台、數位行銷、共享經濟、訂閱制服務、零工、可信任之資料自由流通 (data free flow with trust) 等 
  • 運用數位技術使各種業務效率化及最佳化所伴隨而來的各種法律問題 (數位創新、無人機、機器人 / AI、自動化、金融科技、物流科技、區塊鏈、遠距工作、網路安全等)

獲獎 Awards & Rankings

  • Nishimura & Asahi last year set up a digital transformation group that provides both legal and non-legal support for clients on a range of new technologies, data and regulations to help them undertake digital transformation. This kind of offering is unusual at Japanese firms and more common in the UK, the US and Europe, where firms have long augmented their legal expertise with complementary disciplines. In addition, the Nishimura digital transformation group works across legal practice areas and industry sectors. Kazuhiro Takei, the Nishimura partner who set up the initiative, says the most significant feature of the group is that it is multidisciplinary and cross-sectional in its approach.

    FT Innovative Lawyers Awards (Asia-Pacific 2021)