The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2025において高い評価を獲得
"He is “definitely up-and-coming” and “one of the smartest young lawyers” in the market. He enters the rankings owing to wide-spread praise for his corporate law practice, which spans M&A transactions, joint ventures and buy-outs. “His knowledge, experience and capabilities are top class,” adds an impressed client."
Chambers, Corporate/M&A: Domestic (Asia-Pacifice 2020)"He is described by market sources as "a very good counsel" who "is a very clear and commercially minded lawyer."
Chambers, Corporate/M&A: Domestic (Global/Asia-Pacific 2022)"He is described as a “very competent and diligent” lawyer, whose “client service and commercial awareness is very good."
Chambers, Corporate/M&A: Domestic (Asia-Pacifice 2021)幅広い分野の機動的な案件対応力と、プライベート・エクイティ(PE)ファンド、欧米を中心としたクロスボーダー、TMT・製薬業界関連のM&A案件に豊富な経験と強み。