Takashi Sonoo awarded Japan’s Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold and Silver Star
Takashi Sonoo provides support to his clients based on his 40 years of experience as a judge.
Of his 40 years as a judge, he spent 23 years in charge of civil cases, including civil litigation and bankruptcy cases. For 15 of those years, he presided over civil trials in the Tokyo District Court and Tokyo High Court as Chief Judge of the Civil Division. For the remaining 17 years, he was involved in the administration of justice and served as the Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau and Director of the General Affairs Bureau of the General Secretariat of the Supreme Court. He utilizes his experience obtained through holding these positions in advising on civil cases and bankruptcy proceedings.
Awards & Rankings
- 1972
- The University of Tokyo (LL.B.)
Professional Experience
- Outside Director, Yokogawa Rental & Lease Corporation
- Statutory Auditor, The Corporation for Revitalizing Earthquake-Affected Business
- Outside Director, The Corporation for Revitalizing Earthquake-Affected Business
- Board Member, Japanese Association for Business Recovery
- Acting Chief Judge of Tokyo High Court
- Presiding Judge of Tokyo High Court
- Chief Judge of Shizuoka District Court
- Chief Judge of Utsunomiya District Court
- Director of the General Affairs Bureau, General Secretariat of the Supreme Court
- Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau and the Administrative Affairs Bureau, General Secretariat of the Supreme Court
- Presiding Judge of Tokyo District Court
- Judge of Tokyo District Court
- Director of the First and Third Divisions, Civil Affairs Bureau, General Secretariat of the Supreme Court
- Director of the Second Division, Civil Affairs Bureau, General Secretariat of the Supreme Court
- Judge of Sapporo District Court
- Staff Attorney, Personnel Affairs Bureau, General Secretariat of the Supreme Court
- Assistant Judge of Tokyo District Court
- Staff Attorney, Civil Affairs Bureau, General Secretariat of the Supreme Court
- Assistant Judge of Tokyo District Court