近時の案件実績 Recent Work
- 2022
- AirAsia Aviation Ltd. - タイにおけるAir Asia事業の資金調達およびグループ再編
- 2021
- MTGOXの民事再生計画に関するクレジットファシリティ提供者への助言
- 2020
- コロナ禍におけるLCCのリストラクチャリング
- 2018
- 日本海洋掘削グループの会社更生事件
- 2018
- 株式会社MTGOX:民事再生手続の開始
- 2018
- 株式会社東芝: ウェスチングハウス社の債権を約2,441億円で譲渡
- 2017
- 株式会社東芝: 約6000億円の第三者割当増資
- 2015
- 第一中央汽船株式会社の民事再生申立事件
- 2015
- スカイマーク社の民事再生手続における債権者の代理
- 2008
- 辻産業の会社更生申立事件
受賞 Awards & Rankings
Nishimura & Asahi is a premier law firm in Japan with proven strength in tackling civil rehabilitation, out-of-court workouts and turnarounds. Possesses extensive experience in cross-border filings, especially in relation to US regulations. Notably acts for both creditors and debtors, with an emphasis on recapitalisation and restructuring procedures.
Chambers, Restructuring/Insolvency (2022) -
Known for traditional insolvency work, particularly representing debtors, Nishimura & Asahi is also strong in restructuring and insolvency transactions involving out-of-court workouts and turnarounds. As well as acting in large-scale matters, the firm handles petitions for bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings on behalf of small and medium-sized companies. The practice is active in Japan and throughout Asia, with increasing experience in cross-border workouts and global restructuring.
The Legal 500, Restructuring and Insolvency (2022)