It has been five years since we presented an overview of Colombian antitrust laws and regulations. This article provides updates on those laws and regulations, as well as some insights in enforcement and practice in Colombia. As to merger control, the overall structure and framework has remained unchanged since, with the exception that, since January 2021, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (“SIC”) has enacted a filing fee requirement. All participants in merger control procedures must pay a fee before filling. The fees vary depending on the merger control procedure to which the parties are applying (Table 1). As to regulations on anticompetitive conduct, there have been some meaningful changes to be noted as follows....To read the full article, please see the PDF file
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Kaori Hirose primarily specializes in corporate crisis management and compliance-related matters and has particular expertise on global compliance cases.
In that area, she regularly counsels clients on a wide variety of legal issues, including bribery to foreign officials (FCPA), cartels, and other compliance matters involving antitrust laws, as well as product quality/inspection fraud and environmental regulation violations. She provides comprehensive advice throughout the entirety of a corporate crisis, starting from occurrence of the crisis, through internal investigation, to the establishment of preventive measures. She collaborates with local counsel in other countries to support clients in regard to both internal investigations and those by governmental authorities, and also advises global companies on the development of compliance systems and internal rules, etc. under normal corporate operating conditions.
Furthermore, by leveraging the experience she obtained through her secondment to law firms in Latin America, she provides support and legal advice on compliance and general corporate matters to clients that conduct business in Latin American countries.