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Nishimura & Asahi to Open Hong Kong Office

October 29, 2024
Nishimura & Asahi

Nishimura & Asahi is pleased to announce that we have registered with The Law Society of Hong Kong as a foreign law firm (Japanese law). This is the first registration of its sort granted to a major Japanese law firm. The office will open in Hong Kong by the end of 2024.

Partner Ryuichi Sakamoto, who has a wide range of financial transaction practice experience, primarily in asset finance and asset management, will be assigned to the Hong Kong office. Later on, Saori Okada, who specializes in M&A and corporate matters, will also join the office. She has been involved in numerous projects in the region.

Hong Kong has strong economic, trade, and business relationships with other Asian countries, especially mainland China, and is a vital market for many Japanese and other companies. Our firm has been providing a wide range of legal services to Japanese companies seeking to establish a presence and engage in business activities in Hong Kong. Nishimura & Asahi also represents Hong Kong companies and other overseas companies with a presence in the area that engage or wish to engage in business in Japan. The matters we have been involved with range from the establishment of subsidiaries, mergers and acquisitions, and providing support for clients engaging in various types of trade in Hong Kong. Establishing this office will allow us to expand our existing ability to facilitate smooth, timely responses to the inbound and outbound legal needs of companies in Japan, Hong Kong, and other countries around the world.

The close connections between our 22 global offices allow us to provide high-quality legal services. As a firm, we support our clients’ Asia Strategies, which have become increasingly important as globalization expands.

Ryuichi Sakamoto
Partner, Hong Kong
Ryuichi has been with N&A since 2011. He spent approximately one year in Hong Kong (2019-2020). In the ten years since joining the firm, he has engaged in a wide range of domestic and overseas finance transactions, centered on asset finance and asset management.

Saori Okada
(scheduled to join at a later date)
Saori worked with N&A from 2000 to 2015.   She has spent approximately ten years in Hong Kong, where she has been engaged in a number of local deals and transactions, ranging from M&A to corporate matters.

For further information, please contact:
Public Relations Department, Nishimura & Asahi (Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo)
Otemon Tower, 1-1-2, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8124
Tel: 03 6250 6201 (Direct) E-mail: