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Members of Bangkok office talk to students at King’s College International School Bangkok

On 5 April 2023, Lawyers and staff from our Bangkok office Pavinee Bunyamissara,Chanakarn Boonyasith and Rajen Ramiah gave a talk to a large group of Year 10 and 11 students at King’s College International School Bangkok. The presentation provided to the students an overview of both the commercial and ethical dimensions of the law as well as what it is like to be a lawyer and what they need to do if that is their career goal.



Pavinee is a leading expert in intellectual property (IP) law. She joined the Intellectual Property Practice Group of SCL Law Group (currently known as SCL Nishimura & Asahi) as an associate upon its formation in 2005. Prior to that, Pavinee was an in-house legal counsel at many companies where she gained extensive hands-on experience within general law practice, IP and e-commerce related matters. She also gained comprehensive knowledge of contracts and telecommunications working with government agencies while she was an in-house legal counsel. Pavinee was a guest lecturer and speaker on IP and information law at various forums. Currently, Pavinee routinely advises major clients on matters relating to trademark and patent registrations, copyright recordation, license agreements, as well as trademark, patent and copyright infringement. Versatile and keen, she also assists with overseas trademark and patent registration applications and acts as counsel providing expert guidance to clients throughout IP enforcement process and litigation proceedings. She has been consistently consulted with on cases involving electronic trade and commerce, domain name registrations and personal data and privacy protection. Representing numerous international and domestic organizations in both public and private organizations, Pavinee takes advantage of a refined understanding of IP prosecutions and commercial risk to deliver to the clients borderless and practical legal advice based upon reliable and comprehensive understanding of the laws, regulations and best practices in Thailand. With her comprehensive knowledge and extensive experience, she is well-equipped to meet the clients’ diverse needs whereby she tailors her legal service and professional advice to suit the particular needs of each client. 


Chanakarn has particular in-depth expertise in the practical side of the legislative system of labour & employment law and personal data protection law. For the Labour & Employment practice, she engages in both advisory work and litigation, as well as drafting and reviewing legal documents, negotiating settlements, interviewing employees (particularly those accused of wrongdoing), managing whistleblowing hotlines and processes, providing trainings and various types of employment law advice, and representing clients in numerous court cases and in hearings before the labour authorities. For the Personal Data Protection practice, she assists her clients through the entire process, from providing training, analysing how clients handle personal data transactions, summarising clients’ data flow, providing legal advice, and drafting necessary legal documents for her clients. Chanakarn’s strategy is to provide detailed, accurate advice and flexible solutions, adapted to meet her clients’ needs. She excels in simplifying complex matters and equipping her clients to make the right decisions. She receives consistently strong feedback from her clients regarding the quality of her work. She has been ranked for labour and employment practice in Chambers Asia Pacific 2022 and 2023.