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Damages caused by AI, who is responsible? Delays in legal development may hinder market entry

Tatsuya Tsunoda was quoted in an article titled "Damages by AI, Who is Responsible? Delay in Legal Development May Hinder Market Entry," in the Sankei Shimbun dated May 30, 2023.


角田 龍哉

Tatsuya handles all aspects of competition law-related matters, such as merger control, bid rigging and cartel investigations, anti-trust litigation, and unfair trade practice regulations. He is also involved in advocacy efforts towards the development of competition policy. Tatsuya regularly advises on a number of digital and platform-related competition law cases, and has extensive experience in competition law matters within the infrastructure and energy sectors.

He is well-versed in a wide range of regulatory matters regarding legal issues in the new technology industry, including digital platforms, cloud computing, advertising, AI, data centers, social media, telecommunication services, radio waves, cybersecurity, FinTech, and consumer protection for domestic and international clients. He also offers guidance on analysis and strategy development pertaining to legal and public policy issues in the emerging areas of digital policy and regulations, as well as public policy matters (e.g., sustainability) in light of domestic and international political and policy trends.

He has published numerous works concerning digital policy and regulation, and his work in the field of competition law was featured in the Academic Retrospective of the notable legal journal Horitsujiho in 2023 and 2024.