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眞榮城 大介
眞榮城 大介


  • Partner*
  • Kuala Lumpur*1
  • *Partner of Nishimura & Asahi (Singapore) LLP, Seconded and stationed at WM Leong & Co (Associate office)

Strengths in Malaysian Matters

After six years of practice in the Tokyo office, Daisuke was seconded to a law firm in the U.S. He joined the Singapore office in 2014 and has managed various M&A transactions including share transfer, subscription of new shares, joint venture formation/dissolution, business transfer, merger, business alliance, etc. in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, and other Southeast Asian countries. Currently, he focuses on Malaysian practice. He provides appropriate advice to clients based on local practices with almost ten years of experience in Southeast Asian matters.

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Senshu University (LL.B.)

Professional Experience

Seconded and stationed at WM Leong & Co (Associate office)
Singapore Office 
Lane Powell PC, Portland