Nishimura & Asahi Named Top Japanese Law Firm for Global Reach in Chambers Global 2025 Rankings
”Naoya Ariyoshi receives praise from sources for his widespread activity in the securitisation field, as well as his knowledge of derivatives, such as credit default swaps. One happy client appreciates his position as a "unique practitioner in Japan," saying that "while he is a well-regarded legal expert heavily involved in the academic circles of Japanese law, he is also a very effective transaction counsel with a sharp commercial mind and excellent understanding of business."
Chambers, Capital Markets: Domestic: Securitisation & Derivatives (Asia-Pacific 2022)"Naoya Ariyoshi is well regarded for his previous experience of working at the Financial Services Agency of Japan and his knowledge of the FinTech industry, with a particular emphasis on crypto assets. An interviewee says that he is "strong on financial regulation," and another source states that "his legal opinion is highly reliable and highly convincing."
Chambers, FinTech Legal (2022)Naoya Ariyoshi specializes in finance transactions, especially in the areas of securitization and structured finance, and trust transactions, and in finance regulations. He is recognized as an opinion leader in the field of finance law, being involved in financial policy.
His extensive experience includes securitization transactions regarding a wide variety of receivables and other asset classes as a legal counsel for originators, arrangers, and trustees, and he has worked on structured finance transactions involving various schemes, including those achieved for the first time ever in Japan. He has a great deal of experience engaging in the development of new trust products and complicated trust schemes. As he has worked at the Corporate Accounting and Disclosure Division, the Planning and Coordination Bureau, the Financial Services Agency of Japan, and also has experience engaging in the planning of the financial regulations there, he has provided advice to many financial institutions, including banks, trust banks, securities firms, insurance companies, and nonbanks, as well as business companies and start-ups which enter the financial businesses. He also has a great deal of experience advising companies with respect to the application of the financial regulations on novel transactions or products, including FinTech areas. He has a wealth of experience participating as a member of various study groups and working groups, including government and academia conferences, and has frequently written and spoken on a wide range of topics involving legal systems and finance practice; thus, he is recognized as an opinion leader in the field of finance law.