- European Countries
Western Europe
We provide solutions for a variety of legal issues in Western European countries.
Along with the European Union (EU) as a supranational institution, each Western European country such as the UK, Germany, France, or Italy has its own legal issues.
For the purpose of dealing with various problems related to Western European countries and legal issues arising in Western European countries, Nishimura & Asahi with our people having work experience in Western European countries constantly follows up on regulatory trends in Western European countries, and thereby provides legal services as solutions for legal issues that arise and affect Japanese companies in the region in cooperation with local law firms.
We have been providing legal advice on various issues related to Western European countries including, for example, acquiring Western European companies, corporate merger review, data protection regulations, establishment of bribery prevention and other compliance systems, and crisis management including cartel investigation.
Recent Work
Awards & Rankings
N&A Legal Forum
European M&A dynamics - what makes a successful auction transaction in England and France
Nishimura & Asahi Seminars
N&A Legal Forum
European M&A dynamics - what makes a successful auction transaction in Germany and the Netherlands
Nishimura & Asahi Seminars
N&A Legal Forum
European M&A dynamics - what makes a successful transaction in Italy
Nishimura & Asahi Seminars