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    TIS Inc. - Strategic alliance with Grab Holdings Inc.

Leading Japanese law firm Nishimura & Asahi advised TIS Inc. [TSE: 3626], a Japanese IT services provider, on its capital and business alliance with Grab Holdings Inc. (“Grab”), a leading Southeast Asian app company, and on its investment of USD 150 million in Grab.

Under the alliance, the companies will collaborate on enhancing the digital payment infrastructure in Southeast Asia and on developing payment technologies.

The Nishimura & Asahi team advising TIS was led by partner Masataka Sato, supported by Kotaro Fuji.


佐藤 正孝

Masataka Sato has extensive experience with a broad range of cross-border M&A transactions in the ASEAN region, including investments in and acquisitions of listed companies, self-owned or family-owned companies and start-up companies, the formation of joint venture businesses, as well as real estate development projects (including REIT). He also provides advice and solutions in relation to corporate governance, labor, and regulatory compliance matters at the PMI stage.

藤 浩太郎

私的整理(事業再生ADR、特定調停、純粋私的整理)または法的整理手続(民事再生、特別清算、破産)による事業再生案件に多数関与。 米国留学後の2019年から2023年まで、シンガポール事務所にて勤務し、東南アジア(特に、シンガポール、インドネシア、マレーシア、フィリピン)を中心とするクロスボーダーのM&A、事業再生/倒産、紛争、その他企業法務案件において、現地で培った知見と現地専門家とのコネクションを活かし、クライアントをサポート。