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The International Comparative Legal Guide to Corporate Governance 2024: Japan

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The International Comparative Legal Guide to Corporate Governance 2024: Japan

Tokyo partner Nobuya Matsunami and New York partner Kaoru Tatsumi co-authored the Japan chapter of The International Comparative Legal Guide to Corporate Governance 2024, published by Global Legal Group.


松浪 信也

Nobuya has extensive experience supporting our clients in M&A transactions and other corporate matters, including general shareholders meetings, shareholder activism and corporate governance issues. In the M&A field, Nobuya represents our corporate clients in mergers, corporate reorganizations, privatization transactions and business divestures. He is also active in cross-border transactions, both in in-out and out-in transactions.

辰巳 郁


  • NY LLP Partner
  • New York

Mr. Tatsumi mainly advises clients on international and domestic corporate transactions such as mergers, MBOs/LBOs, joint ventures, venture capital investments and other types of M&A transactions, as well as general corporate matters and commercial disputes relating to such corporate transactions; advising major business companies, financial institutions, and private equity funds, both in Japan and overseas.
 Mr. Tatsumi is one of only a few lawyers in Japan who has been seconded as an attorney to the Ministry of Justice, and during his tenure there he had a significant role in important governmental activities, such as the amendment of the Companies Act.
 Drawing on his significant expertise and deep knowledge, he has authored numerous books and articles in the area of M&A, as well as general corporate law. These publications provide practical solutions to complex legal issues, and bolster Mr. Tatsumi's reputation as a highly respected legal practitioner.