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山本 輝幸
山本 輝幸


  • Partner
  • Tokyo

Teruyuki has extensive expertise in PPP/PFI, power and resource energy, and project finance projects, and he handles projects based on his practical knowledge.

Teruyuki has extensive expertise in the areas of PPP/PFI, power and energy resources, and project finance. In particular, Teruyuki has extensive expertise in concession and other standard PFI and PPP projects as a public counsellor, and he provides advice on the public, business, and financial institution sides, based on the client's perspective. Teruyuki has also handled many project finance transactions for wind power generation projects, solar power generation projects, and biomass power generation projects under the Renewable Energy Act, both on the project side and on the financial institution side. In addition, Teruyuki has experience of being seconded to the natural resource and environmental finance department of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation(JBIC), and he is able to provide practical advice on power and natural resource and energy projects.

Awards & Rankings





Keio University Law School (J.D.)
Boston University School of Law (LL.M.)
The University of Tokyo (LL.B.)

Professional Experience

Energy, Natural Resources and Environment Finance Group, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)