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Q&A: Practice for preparing a range of documents for general incorporated associations

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Q&A: Practice for preparing a range of documents for general incorporated associations


山本 憲光

By leveraging his experience as a public prosecutor and as a drafting officer for the revision of the Commercial Code and the enactment of the Companies Act at the Civil Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Justice, he handles a wide variety of corporate proceedings and fact-finding matters in both civil and criminal fields. In addition to obtaining a client’s acquittal in a large special negligence criminal case, he also has prevailed in various other proceedings, including derivative suits, stock purchase price cases, and other matters. He also specializes and has a wealth of experience in labor cases, including collective bargaining with labor unions, public interest corporations, whistle-blowing cases, maritime goods transportation legislation, and ship finance.

大野 憲太郎

Kentaro provides non-profit corporations such as general incorporated associations (Ippan Shadan Hojin), general incorporated foundations (Ippan Zaidan Hojin), public interest incorporated associations (Koeki Shadan Hojin), public interest incorporated foundations (Koeki Zaidan Hojin), corporations engaging in specified non-profit activities (NPO Hojin), incorporated educational institutions (Gakko Hojin), social welfare corporations (Shakai Fukushi Hojin) and medical corporations (Iryo Hojin) with advice on building governance systems and establishing compliance systems to ensure that they comply with the laws and regulations and to operate in accordance with the guidance of regulatory agencies.