Review of article on EU regulatory initiatives related to business and human rights
Review of article on EU regulatory initiatives related to business and human rights
Bangkok associate Jumpei Nagaoka participated in reviewing the article “How do the pieces fit in the puzzle? Making sense of EU regulatory initiatives related to business and human rights,” published by the Danish Institute for Human Rights.
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Based on his experience at Denmark’s national human rights institution, and hands-on practice in Southeast Asia as a commercial lawyer dealing with supply chain legal issues, Jumpei can provide practical advice on human rights due diligence in relation to not only your own operations but also to the entire value chain for your products or services, in accordance with applicable international standards.
Drawing from his time at civil society organizations in both Japan and the U.S, as well as international human rights research at Columbia, Jumpei can support your journey toward respecting the full range of internationally recognized human rights throughout the value chain, and to promoting meaningful engagement with relevant stakeholders.