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WTO Fisheries Subsidies Agreement: One Step Closer

Environmental protection, environmental awareness, sustainability; currently, these are ubiquitous concepts in regulation all over the globe, and international trade is not an exception. In June, 2022, the 12th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization ("WTO") adopted by consensus the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies ("FSA"), which is the first instrument in the context of the WTO that directly addresses ocean sustainability by prohibiting harmful fisheries subsidies and, thus, meets SDG Target 14.6. Since January this year, WTO Members have been progressively depositing their formal acceptances to the Protocol Amending the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization ("Protocol"), which contains the FSA and is incrementally approaching the quorum necessary to enter into…To read the article, please see the PDF file

*This article is also available in Japanese.

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平家 正博

Masahiro Heike specializes in international trade law. From 2016 to 2018, he worked at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as an in-government lawyer, and handled numerous WTO disputes and trade negotiations and was responsible for the trade policies of other jurisdictions including the United States and China. Currently, he is involved in a wide range of matters including WTO dispute settlement cases, domestic and foreign trade remedy cases (anti-dumping, safeguards), government research related to international trade law, and the handling of tariffs and origin relations.


In the field of Competition Law, Daniel provides support in complex merger filings, cartel cases, leniency applications, internal investigations, and general antitrust matters. In the field of International Trade Law, Daniel has been involved in a wide range of matters, including WTO disputes, trade remedies (anti-dumping, subsidies, safeguards, anti-circumvention measures) domestically and internationally, and matters involving economic partnership agreements such as the CPTPP. Daniel is known for his deep understanding of each topic and practical approach.